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  1. How to organize training sessions for harbour authorities and other community-based management organizations: a manual

    2006 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers ccn_how_to_organize_manual_en.pdf Manuel d’organisation de séances de formation pour les administrations portuaires et autres organismes communautaires de gestion Available in print and online Imagine Canada ...

  2. Island or iceberg?: liability and voluntary organizations: a research report

    2006 Meinhard, Agnes G. Ryerson Polytechnic University. Centre for Voluntary Sector Studies Liability easter_seals_report_island_report.pdf Île ou iceberg?: la responsabilité civile et les organismes bénévoles Available in print and online Imagine Canada ...

  3. Youth volunteerism: understanding the experiences of 8- to 12-year-olds: a research report

    2006 Shannon, Charlene Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research unb_youthvolunteers_report.pdf Les jeunes bénévoles: comprendre l’expérience du bénévolat des jeunes de 8 à 12 ans: rapport de recherche Available in print and onlineSocial services ...

  4. The temple and the tavern: a case study of family volunteering at Santropol Roulant

    2007 Paddock, Tana Canada Volunteerism Initiative Families report_templeandtavern_santropol_2007.pdf La chapelle et le bistrot: étude d’un cas de bénévolat familial au Santropol Roulant Available in print and onlineprint run April Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  5. Volunteering in Canada: practical findings from research, 2000 – 2007

    2007 Noble, Reg Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers practicalguide_web.pdf Le bénévolat au Canada: constatations pratiques, 2000 – 2007 Also available in French under title: Le bénévolat au Canada: constatations pratiques, 2000 – 2007Print April ...

  6. Expanding volunteerism in rural schools in Nova Scotia: promising practices: school volunteer manual

    2006 Baskwill, Jane Canada Volunteerism Initiative Youth 371.0091734 B315 Développer le bénévolat dans les écoles rurales de la Nouvelle-Écosse: pratiques prometteuses: manuel du bénévolat en milieu scolaire Available in print and online Imagine Canada ...

  7. Simple solutions: a manual – how NGOs can eliminate barriers to volunteering by people with disabilities

    2005 Schmidl, Barry Canada Volunteerism Initiative Disabilities manual_pei_council_eng.pdf Des solutions simples: comment les ONG peuvent-elles éliminer les obstacles au bénévolat pour les personnes handicapées Available in print and onlinecheck s.h. ...

  8. Expanding volunteerism in rural schools in Nova Scotia: promising practices: school volunteer manual

    2006 Baskwill, Jane Canada Volunteerism Initiative Youth msvu_manual_ruralschools.pdf Développer le bénévolat dans les écoles rurales de la Nouvelle-Écosse: pratiques prometteuses: manuel du bénévolat en milieu scolaire Available in print and online ...

  9. What motivates low-income volunteers?: a report on low-income volunteers in Vancouver and Prince George, British Columbia

    2005 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers 361.37086942 W5554 Qu'est-ce qui motive les bénévoles à faible revenu?: rapport sur les bénévoles à faible revenu de Vancouver et Prince George, Colombie-Britannique Available in print and online Imagine ...

  10. Voluntary boards and executive directors: a relationship for organizational stability

    2007 Silver, Larissa Canada Volunteerism Initiative Nonprofit organizations 658.422 S5873 Les Conseils d’administration bénévoles et les Chefs de la Direction: une relation pour la stabilité des organismes Available in print and onlinePrint April Imagine ...
