Standard B1: Completion of financial statements
Description: Overseeing the financial affairs of a nonprofit or charitable organization is one of the most important roles of the board of directors, and financial statements are the main avenue of communication about the organization’s financial status.
Standard B1 Explained
A guide to financial statements of not-for-profit organizations : questions for directors to ask
Sample financial statements
Exemple d'états financiers
Financial information kit
Trousse de renseignements financiers
Normes comptables pour les organismes sans but lucratif (OSBL) du secteur privé
Normes comptables pour les organismes sans but lucratif (OSBL) du secteur public
Guide sur les états financiers des organismes sans but lucratif : questions que les administrateurs devraient poser
Understanding financial statements
Financial responsibilities of not-for-profit boards : a self-guided workbook