"Directors of charitable corporations and trustees of charitable trusts are responsible for the assets of the charities they manage. They have a duty to manage the funds responsibly. This includes investing funds not immediately needed to carry out the charity's purposes."
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"Les administrateurs d’organismes de bienfaisance et les fiduciaires de fiducies de bienfaisance sont responsables des avoirs des organismes qu’ils gèrent. Ils sont assujettis à une obligation de gérer les fonds d’une manière responsable, notamment de placer des fonds qui ne sont pas nécessaires...
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Guide developed for UK charities (N.B. any legal guidelines may not be applicable in the Canadian context) offering a clear and thorough outline of what to cover in a charity investment policy. It includes a model template and best practice examples for different types of organizations. It is...
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This article addresses issues that can arise when a charity or not-for-profit organization in Ontario is considering drafting an investment policy. It particularly focuses on compliance with the provisions of the Trustee Act. It provides some practical tips about what to include in an...
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"Healthy nonprofits are committed to maintaining a steady, robust income stream; developing and implementing sound investment strategies; and paying daily attention to accounting controls."
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