
Recently recorded sessions

Not-For-Profit Accounting Standards with KPMG

Canada’s Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) has a project to improve the Not-for-Profit accounting standards as a result of feedback received from the 2013 Joint Statement of Principles “Improvements to Not-for-Profit Standards”.  The project relates to not-for-profit organizations who currently report under Part III of the CPA Canada Handbook and has been divided into three phases.   The first phase has resulted in the recently issued Exposure Draft (ED) that proposes to substantially alter the existing guidance currently provided in the CPA Canada Handbook Part III – Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations, sections 4431 – Tangible capital assets held by not-for-profit organizations; 4432 – Intangible assets held by not-for-profit organizations; and 4440 – Collections held by not-for-profit organizations. KPMG in Canada has developed a survey of the proposals in the exposure draft.  This survey is designed to gauge the response of preparers and users of the financial statements for not-for-profit organizations to selected changes contained within the Exposure draft.

Presenter: Janet Allan, FCPA, FCA, KPMG LLP

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Meeting Minutes 101 : Getting it down right and keeping it there

Join Ryan Prendergast (of Carters Professional Corporation) for a one hour webinar to review minute taking requirements for members’ and director’s meetings, together with best practices in keeping minutes. Building upon the presentation on October 1, 2015, on Getting Ready 101: Considerations Before Calling a Board or Members’ Meeting, this presentation addresses issues arising from taking minutes, and tips to prepare clear minutes for all board meetings and members’ meetings. Examples of issues covered in this webinar include: What should be included in the minutes and what should be left out? Should in camera minutes be kept and if so by who? Should members have access to minutes of board meetings? How long to keep minutes? Should directors keep their notes of meetings?

Presenter: Ryan PrendergastCarters Professional Corporation

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Members' Meetings 101: Avoiding Members’ Machinations

Join Jacqueline Demczur for a one hour webinar to review the difficult issues arising from members’ meetings and how to effectively resolve them. Building upon the presentation on October 1, 2015, on Getting Ready 101: Considerations Before Calling a Board or Members’ Meeting, this presentation addresses issues and difficult scenarios at members’ meetings. The new rules on non-profit governance under the new federal and Ontario not-for-profit corporate legislation also affect how these issues should be addressed. Some examples of issues include: can members vote by proxy and how, what to do if no quorum is achieved, can the chair of the meeting vote, what if the board chair has a conflict and cannot chair members’ meetings, when to appoint an independent third person to chair members’meetings, etc.

Presenter: Jaqueline DemczurCarters Professional Corporation

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Board Meetings 101: Avoiding Directors' Tribulations

Review difficult issues arising from board meetings and how to effectively resolve them. The new rules on non-profit governance under the new federal and Ontario not-for-profit corporate legislation affect how these issues should be addressed. Some examples of issues include: what to do with directors who never attend board meetings, who should attend in camera board meetings, can directors vote by email instead of having a meeting, what is the role of the CEO at board meetings.

Presenter: Theresa L. Man, Carters Professional Corporation

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Getting Ready 101: Considerations Before Calling a Board or Members' Meeting

Many board or members’ meetings often unnecessarily floundered because meeting basics have been overlooked. The first session in this series will address the fundamental legal issues that you need to know in order to have an effective board or members’ meeting, including:

  • Where to find the rules for a meeting and how to follow those rules,
  • Understanding the purposes and nature of a meeting,
  • How to call a meeting with effective notice, and
  • Where can you legally hold a meeting?

Presenter: Terrance S. Carter, Carters Professional Corporation

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Volunteer agreements : managing volunteer relations and reducing risk (plus employment law update)

Volunteer Agreements SlideThis one hour webinar that will assist organizations in foreseeing and addressing the potential legal liabilities arising from the use of volunteers, how risk management strategies can reduce these risks, how Volunteer Agreements can be used to better manage volunteer relations and reduce the legal risks. Also a discussion of changes to the Ontario employment statutes made over the past year.

Presenter: Barry W. Kwasniewski, Carters Professional Corporation

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Update on Ineligibility Requirements: CRA's Policy on Ineligible Individuals

Update on Ineligibility Requirement slideMay 21, 2015 – This one-hour webinar reviews CRA guidance on “Ineligible Individuals” provisions in the Income Tax Act (ITA). The guidance explains who CRA views as an “ineligible individual” and the issues that could arise for a registered charity that is considering permitting an “ineligible individual” to be a part of its governance, or where an “ineligible individual” is involved in the governance of a registered charity. 

Presenter: Ryan PrendergastCarters Professional Corporation

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Holding Board Meetings 101 

Holding Board Meetings 101 slideApril 14, 2015 - Theresa L.M. Man LL.B. (Carters Professional Corporation) presents a one hour webinar to review the difficult issues arising from board meetings and how to effectively resolve them. The new rules on non-profit governance under the new federal and Ontario not-for-profit corporate legislation also affect how these issues should be addressed. Some examples of issues include: what to do with directors who never attend board meetings and how to keep minutes of in camera board meetings?

Presenter: Theresa L.M. Man Partner, Carters Professional Corporation

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Tips and Traps of the T3010

Tips and Traps Title Slide

March 26, 2015 - This webinar recording features Jacqueline M. Demczur (B.A., LL.B) partner at Carters Professional Coporation, who walks charities through the T3010 in order to provide a practical understanding of its content and why it is relevant to charities. The session reviews the purpose of and how to answer key questions in the T3010, the consequences of failing to file or properly complete the T3010, as well as proactive practical tips and traps that a charity needs  to know in order to avoid improper completion of its T3010 and the resulting consequences.

Presenter: Jacqueline Demczur, Partner, Carters Professional Corporation

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Preparing for and Surviving a CRA Audit

Surviving CRA Audit

February 26, 2015 - This recording captures a not to be missed topic about how to prepare for and "live to tell the tale" of a CRA audit. Learn about why you should be concerned, what is involved in the CRA audit process, how to prepare for an audit, and what issues can arise during an audit that you need to be aware of before the CRA auditor comes to call.

Presenter: Terrance Carter, Managing Partner, Carters Professional Corporation

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Cyber Security For not-for-profit organizations

February 4, 2015 - Increasingly, more and more sophisticated techniques are being employed against organizations of all sizes. Historically Not for Profit organizations have not been the target for cyber crime, however, times have changed. A recent rash of cyber attacks against not-for-profit organizations reinforces the fact that no industry is immune. This session discusses the high risk criminal groups you should be concerned with, their motivations, tactics and pragmatic advice on how to protect your organization against them.

Presenter : Kevvie M. Fowler,  National Leader, Cyber Response,  KPMG

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Legal Issues in Managing Endowment Funds

November 25 2014 - This session will equip you in understanding what an endowment is in comparison to other types of charitable gifts and what special considerations need to be taken into account in managing endowment funds.

Presenter: Terrance Carter, Managing Partner, Carters Professional Corporation 

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Safeguarding Nonprofit Organizations against Fraud

KPMG Webinar - safeguarding against fraudOctober 2014 - Learn how fraud happens in charitable organizations and learn what you can do to protect your organization from fraudulent activity.  

Presenters: Colleen Basden and Diane Del Monte, KPMG 

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Political Activities by Charities: If you do it, do it smart!

September 23 2014 - This webinar looks at the specific rules that apply to registered charities that decide to become involved in political activities, what “political activities” means in practice, and what practical steps can be taken by charities to reduce the possibility of a negative outcome in the event of an audit by CRA.

Presenter: Terrance Carter, Managing Partner, Carters Professional Corporation 

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Directors' and Officers' Insurance - know your coverage and your options

June 24 2014 - When people agree to serve as volunteers on charitable or not-for-profit boards of directors, potential liability issues are probably not forefront in their minds. This webinar will focus on the challenging issues and decisions that directors often face, and how to make use of directors and officers liability insurance as an important shield to protect directors, officers, and even other volunteers and employees, from potential personal legal liabilities.  

Presenter : Barry Kwasniewski, Carters Professional Corporation 

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The do’s and don’ts of employee acquisition and termination

March 25 2014 - Terminating employees is one of the most difficult decisions that boards/managers of charities and non-profit organizations must make. As well, they face additional considerations that for-profit businesses do not normally face. Some of the topics covered in this overview session will be: Ontario legal framework, employment contracts and termination provisions, the don’ts of the termination process, the dos of the termination process.  

Presenter : Barry Kwasniewski, Carters Professional Corporation 

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Navigating Canada's New Anti-Spam Laws for Charities and Nonprofit Organizations

February 25, 2014 - New “Anti-spam Legislation” coming into effect July 1, 2014 will create a regulatory scheme for spam and related unsolicited electronic messages. Charities and non-profit organizations must know the rules and exemptions and ensure that they are compliant, where applicable.

Presenter: Ryan PrendergastCarters Professional Corporation 

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Drafting Issues for Restricted Gift Agreements Including Endowments

January 28th, 2014 - Donor restricted gifts are an essential part of a gift planning strategy for a charity. However, too often insufficient attention is given to the terms of the donor restricted gifts that are prepared. This webinar will provide an explanation of the drafting issues when preparing donor restricted gift agreements, including an understanding of the differences between unrestricted, restricted and endowed gifts, what provisions should be included in donor restricted gift agreements,as well as related issues, such as management considerations involving donor restricted gifts.

Presenter: Terrance Carter, Managing Partner, Carters Professional Corporation 

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Getting Ready for ONCA: A step-by-step guide

December 10th, 2013 - This webinar provided a detailed and practical explanation of the rules in the new ONCA and their impact on the corporate structure and governance of Ontario corporations. The webinar also reviewed steps that corporations may take to transition under the ONCA.

Presenter: Theresa L.M. Man, Partner, Carters Professional Corporation

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The Basics of Charitable Donations including the First-Time Donor’s Super Credit

December 32013 - The federal government announced the 2013 Federal Budget on March 21, 2013, and it includes the First-Time Donor’s Super Credit to encourage new donors who have not donated within the last five years to give to charity. This webinar will explain to whom the credit is available, as well as how and when it can be claimed.

Presenter: Karen Cooper, Partner, Carters Professional Corporation 

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The 2013 Essential Charity Law Update – The Year In Review

November 262013 - This popular overview survey session will bring managers, directors and board members of charities and not-for-profit organizations up to date on essential developments in charity law over the past year; concerning recent changes, rulings and interpretations under the Income Tax Act; new guidances and publications from the Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency; federal and provincial legislative issues affecting charities; as well as a summary of major regulatory and compliance changes in 2013.

Presenters: Terrance Carter, Managing Partner, Carters Professional Corporation 

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Statement of Principles – Improvements to Not-for-Profit Standards

October 82013 - Canada’s Accounting Standards Board and Public Sector Accounting Board (the Boards) are in the process of developing new accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations as documented in the Statement of Principles (SoP). Today’s webcast, examines the potential impact of these changes, and what it might mean for your organization.

Presenters: Marilyn De Mara, Partner, KPMG and Janet Allan, Partner, KPMG

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Update about Maintaining NPO Status - Revisited

June 4 2013  - The Canada Revenue Agency is currently engaged in a special project which has involved the audit of many nonprofit organizations, the results of which are still outstanding, and in issuing interpretations challenging the status quo with respect to the status of many NPOs. This webinar session will walk senior management through the process of understanding what steps they can take to maintain their NPO status and keep on top of these issues in the future. 

Presenter: Karen J. Cooper, Partner, Carters Professional Corporation

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Working with the CNCA - Tough Issues

May 7th 2013 - The new rules for the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (CNCA) do not apply automatically to CCA corporations. Existing CCA corporations will be required to continue under the CNCA within three years of proclamation (i.e., until the October 17, 2014 deadline).

Presenter: Theresa L.M. Man, Partner, Carters Professional Corporation

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Practical Implications of CRA’s New Community Economic Development Policy

April 16 2013 - On July 26, 2012, Canada Revenue Agency released Guidance CG-014,Community Economic Development Activities and Charitable Registration (the "New Guidance"). This webinar will cover considerations for registered charities.

Presenter: Terrance Carter, Managing Partner, Carters Professional Corporation

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Older recorded sessions

The following webinars may present out of date information, resources and best-practices, or discuss references to legislation that is no longer applicable. 

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