Risk Management for Boards of Directors
- Legal Risk Management Checklists for Charities & Nonprofits (Carters Professional Corporation)
- Directors' Liability: a discussion paper on legal liability, risk management, and the role of directors in nonprofit organizations (Volunteer Canada)
- Oversight of Risk by the Board of Directors (Beth Deazeley)
Financial Risk Management
- Financial Policies & Procedures: Protecting Your Organization's Financial Assets (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs)
- Financial risk management : a guide for nonprofit executives (Lockwood Herman, 2008)
- The Tale of the Trusted Employee (Bill Harper)
- It Pays to Manage Risk Management (Bill Harper)
- A Most Taxing Risk (Bill Harper)
- Tax Shelters - No Shelter for Charities (Bill Harper)
- Provincial Charity-Related Legislation (Bill Harper)
Staff & volunteer risk management
- For information on managing risk related to paid staff, see Legislation & Liability
- For information on managing risk related to volunteers, see Volunteer Management
Avoiding Fraud
Safeguarding Nonprofit Organizations against Fraud - webinar from KPMG
Learn how fraud happens in charitable organizations and learn what you can do to protect your organization from fraudulent activity.
View the webinar | Download the presentation
Columns by James F. Finlay