Learn from current research and tools to help answer the “so what?” question of your organization’s work.
Evaluation: Getting Started
- Project evaluation guide for nonprofit organizations : fundamental methods and steps for conducting project evaluation (2006, Imagine Canada)
- Participatory evaluation essentials : an updated guide for non-profit organizations and their evaluation partners (2010, The Bruner Foundation)
- Introduction To Impact Evaluation (2012, InterAction)
- Introduction to mixed methods in impact evaluation (2012, InterAction)
- A developmental evaluation primer (2007, McConnell Foundation)
- DE 201 : a practitioner’s guide to developmental evaluation (2010, McConnell Foundation)
- Key Steps in Outcome Management (2003, The Urban Institute)
- Evaluating networks for social change: a casebook (2014, Network Impact and Center for Evaluation Innovation)
Survey Design and Interpreting Results
- Use of impact evaluation results (2012, InterAction)
Tip sheets published by Imagine Canada:
Theoretical Approaches to Evaluation
- How shortcuts cut us short: cognitive traps in philanthropic decision making (2014, Center for Evaluation Innovation)
- Accelerating our Impact: Philanthropy, Innovation and Social Change (2007, McConnell Foundation)
Blog posts from the Chief Economist for the Charitable and Nonprofit Sector:
- What Gets Measured Gets Done (2014, Imagine Canada)
- The weight of a television set and measuring results in the charitable sector (2014, Imagine Canada)