Publication Year
- Surveys
- Statistics
Website URL
2003 General Social Survey on Social Engagement
Alternate Title
Enquête sociale générale de 2003 sur l'engagement social, cycle 17 : un aperçu des résultats
"The 2003 General Social Survey (GSS) on Social Engagement was ... designed to collect information on a wide range of activities in which Canadians are engaged, such as their social contacts with family, friends and neighbours; their involvement in formal organizations, political activities and volunteer work; their values and attitudes; the level of trust they have in people and in public institutions; the care they provide or receive on an informal basis; and so on. Overall, the survey provides comprehensive information on the many ways that Canadians engage in civic and social life" -- p.489-598-XIE (PDF), 89-598-XWE (HTML)
Statistics Canada