Fraud in Canadian Nonprofit Organizations as Seen Through the Eyes of Canadian Newspapers 1998-2008

Publication Year



  • Chen, Qiu
  • Murphy, Pamela

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Canada has one of the largest and most vibrant nonprofit and voluntary sectors in the world. It accounts for 6.8 percent of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) and employs 12 percent of Canada's economically active population. With the significant role nonprofit organizations play in Canadian life and the increasing demand for accountability in nonprofit organizations, more attention is being drawn to nonprofit organizational fraud. Media coverage on fraud in nonprofit organizations is news that catches the public's eye and can lead to a reduction in trust in those organizations over time. This study searched Canadian national and leading regional newspapers between 1998 and 2008 for reports about frauds committed on Canadian nonprofit organizations. The goal of the research was to better understand the nature of the frauds, the nonprofit organizations defrauded and the characteristics of the perpetrators, with the hope of alerting the nonprofit community to common trends.


Agora Foundation

Issue #

vol.22, no.1 (2009)


The Philanthropist

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