• Donor

    A person, foundation, or corporation that makes a gift.

  • Substantially all

    The Canada Revenue Agency generally considers “substantially all” to mean 90% or more.

  • Advocacy

    The act or process of defending or maintaining a cause or proposal. An organization may have advocacy as its mission (or part of its mission) to increase public awareness of a particular issue or set of issues. (from enVision.ca)

  • Private foundation

    is established as a corporation or a trust; has exclusively charitable purposes; carries on its own charitable activities and/or funds other qualified donees, (e.g., registered charities); may have 50% or more of its governing officials not at arm's lengthwith each other;...

  • Eligible amount

    The eligible amount is the part of a gift for which a charity can issue a tax receipt. Generally, this is the amount by which the fair market value of the gift exceeds the amount of any advantage given in respect of the donation.

  • Tax shelter

    Generally, a tax shelter is any arrangement where the tax benefits equal or exceed the net cost of entering into the arrangement.


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