When a donor gives the use of property (for example, provides the use of one's cottage or car) to a charity, this is not a transfer of property and is therefore not a gift. No tax receipt may be issued.
When a charity gives the use of property in return for a gift, however (for example, use of a...
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Why is it essential for employees to be provided with appropriate orientation and training? Orientation improves an employee’s performance, strengthens their commitment to their organization,1 and can promote staff retention.2 An effective orientation process not only conveys the practical...
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Why is it important that anyone seeking or receiving funds on behalf of the organization:
a. act with fairness, integrity, and in accordance with all applicable laws – Volunteers, employees, and contracted third parties engaged in fundraising should conform to all standards in Section C of Imagine...
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What is a mission statement and why is it important? A mission statement is a short, written statement that describes the core purpose of the organization including what it does, for whom and why. The mission statement should be sufficient to guide the strategies and actions of an organization,...
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Definition: Board Terms of Reference1A document approved by the board that specifies the stewardship responsibilities of the board of directors and their accountabilities to the organization’s members and stakeholders.
Why are terms of reference important? Board and committee terms of reference...
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Donations that are primarily intended to benefit the individual making the donation are not eligible for a tax receipt. Benefits to the donor can include:
admission fees to concerts or other performances;
tickets to attend events where a meal is served or entertainment is provided;
events that...
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Why does your organization need policies and procedures related to volunteer involvement? Policies and procedures formalize roles and responsibilities, ensuring that they are understood and carried out consistently throughout your organization.1 Having formal policies and procedures in place...
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Why is it important for organizations to have a work plan or performance objectives? Work plans and/or performance objectives are a key ingredient of any performance management process and can help employees to be more effective in their roles.1 Individual work plans and performance objectives...
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What does “appropriate fundraising policies” mean? While all nonprofit and charitable organizations in Canada depend on some form of fundraising, Imagine Canada recognizes that Canada’s nonprofit sector is incredibly diverse and that organizations have differing needs with regards to fundraising...
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Definition: Strategic Plan 1The strategic plan is a document that outlines the desired future for the organization and provides a roadmap that defines how the organization will achieve it. The roadmap contains broad directions as well as more specific ways they will be achieved. The plan usually...
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