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  1. New Canadians talk about volunteerism: perceived motivations and barriers

    2007 Chiasson, Nicole Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers aide_fs_neocanadians_mar22_2007.pdf Des personnes néo-canadiennes s’expriment sur le bénévolat: motivations et obstacles perçus Also available in French under title: Des personnes néo ...

  2. Volunteering in Canada: practical findings from research, 2000 – 2007

    2007 Noble, Reg Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers practicalguide_web.pdf Le bénévolat au Canada: constatations pratiques, 2000 – 2007 Also available in French under title: Le bénévolat au Canada: constatations pratiques, 2000 – 2007Print April ...

  3. The impact of high school mandatory community service programs on subsequent volunteering and civic engagement: research report

    2007 Pancer, S. Mark Voluntarism WLU_MandatoryVolunteering_Feb07_2007.pdf L’incidence des programmes de service communautaire obligatoire sur le bénévolat et la participation civique ultérieurs "Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and ...

  4. Charitable giving in British Columbia

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Dons de bienfaisance en Colombie-Britannique Also available in French under title: Dons de bienfaisance ...

  5. Charitable giving in Alberta

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Dons de bienfaisance en Alberta Also available in French under title: Dons de bienfaisance en ...

  6. Charitable giving in Saskatchewan

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Dons de bienfaisance en Saskatchewan Also available in French under title: Dons de bienfaisance en ...

  7. Charitable giving in Manitoba

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Dons de bienfaisance au Manitoba Also available in French under title: Dons de bienfaisance au ...

  8. Charitable giving in Ontario

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Dons de bienfaisance en Ontario Also available in French under title: Dons de bienfaisance en ...

  9. Charitable giving in Québec

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Dons de bienfaisance au Québec Also available in French under title: Dons de bienfaisance au Québec2009 ...

  10. Charitable giving in New Brunswick

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Dons de bienfaisance au Nouveau-Brunswick Also available in French under title: Dons de bienfaisance au ...
