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Search results

  1. Who are Quebec's volunteers?

    2001 Goulbourne, Michelle National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (Canada) Research Qui sont les bénévoles du Québec? "NSGVP on-line"redirected to: http://www ...

  2. Ontario hospital volunteers: how hospital CEOs perceive their contributions

    2003 Handy, Femida Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers HandyFact_Sheet_FINAL_Dec23.pdf Les bénévoles dans les hôpitaux de l'Ontario: la perception de leur contribution par les chefs de la direction des hôpitaux Also available in French under ...

  3. Corporate volunteer programs: maximizing employee motivation and minimizing barriers to program participation

    2004 Rog, Evelina J. Canada Volunteerism Initiative Accountability pancer_final_eng.pdf Les programmes de bénévolat d'entreprise: maximiser la motivation des employés et minimiser les obstacles à leur participation Also available in French under ...

  4. Corporate volunteer programs: boosting employee participation

    2004 Pancer, S. Mark Canada Volunteerism Initiative Accountability Pancer_eng_final.pdf Les programmes de bénévolat d'entreprise: stimuler la participation des employés Also available in French under title: Les programmes de bénévolat d' ...

  5. How to assign a monetary value to volunteer contributions: a manual

    2003 Mook, Laurie Canada Volunteerism Initiative Voluntarism Quarter_final_eng.pdf Comment attribuer une valeur monétaire à la contribution des bénévoles Available in print and online Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP) KDC-- CDC ...

  6. Charitable giving in Alberta

    2003 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (Canada) Research… Dons de charité en Alberta "NSGVP 2000" Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP) ...

  7. Volunteering in Alberta

    2003 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (Canada) Research… Le bénévolat en Alberta "NSGVP 2000" Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP) ENDBP ...

  8. Who are Alberta's donors?

    2003 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (Canada) Research… Qui sont les donateurs de l'Alberta? "NSGVP 2000" Canadian Centre for ...

  9. Who are Alberta's volunteers?

    2003 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (Canada) Research… Qui sont les bénévoles en Alberta? "NSGVP 2000" Canadian Centre for Philanthropy ...

  10. Charitable giving in British Columbia

    2003 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (Canada) Research… Dons de charité en Colombie-Britanique "NSGVP 2000" Canadian Centre for ...
