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  1. Giving and volunteering among Canada's immigrants

    2012 Thomas, Derrick Statistics Canada Research Surveys Statistics Giving Volunteering CSGVP Immigrants Canada Giving and volunteering among Canada's immigrants This article in Canadian Social Trends examines donating and volunteering among ...

  2. Employer support of volunteering

    2012 Hurst, Matt Volunteers Surveys Research studies Statistics Employer support of volunteering Pulling on data from the Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (CSGVP) 2010 this article examines employer support of volunteering in Canada ...

  3. Donating to charity ...

  4. Business contributions to Canadian communities: findings from a qualitative study of current practices

    2007 Hall, Michael H. Imagine Canada Fundraising: Corporate philanthropy Corporate philanthropy business_contributions_en.pdf Business contributions to Canadian communities: phase I report "This report presents the results from the first phase of a ...

  5. Building blocks for strong communities: key findings and recommendations

    2006 Goldenberg, Mark Canadian Policy Research Networks Nonprofit organizations building_blocks_for_strong_communities_key_findings_and_recommendations.pdf "This report is one of four produced by Imagine Canada and the Canadian Policy Research ...

  6. Building blocks for strong communities: a profile of small- and medium-sized organizations in Canada

    2006 Gumulka, Glenn Canadian Policy Research Networks Nonprofit organizations building_blocks_for_strong_communities_small_and_medium_size_organizations.pdf "This report is one of four produced by Imagine Canada and the Canadian Policy Research ...

  7. Building blocks for strong communities: a profile of small- and medium-sized enterprises in Canada

    2006 Goldenberg, Mark Canadian Policy Research Networks Nonprofit organizations building_blocks_for_strong_communities_small_and_medium_sized_enterprises.pdf "This report is one of four produced by Imagine Canada and the Canadian Policy Research ...

  8. Building blocks for strong communities: results of key informant interviews

    2006 Carter, Susan Canadian Policy Research Networks Nonprofit organizations building_blocks_for_strong_communities_results_of_key_informant_interviews.pdf "This report is one of four produced by Imagine Canada and the Canadian Policy Research ...

  9. The Canadian nonprofit and voluntary sector in comparative perspective

    2005 Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies Research SECTOR STATISTICS 361.70971 C21284 2005 Analyse comparative du secteur sans but lucratif et bénévole du Canada "Canada's participation in the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector ...

  10. A proposal to implement standards of excellence in Canada’s voluntary sector: executive summary

    2009 Nonprofit organizations… Ensuring excellence: standards and accreditation for Canada’s voluntary sector "Mission: To define the behaviours, standards and practices ...
