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  1. Social justice volunteers: motivation and engagement

    2002 Basok, Tanya International Year of Volunteers (Program) Social justice basok_fs_english.pdf Les bénévoles en justice sociale: motivation et engagement Available in print and online Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP) IYV-- AIV ...

  2. Virtual volunteering in Canada

    2002 Harrison, Yvonne Research Murray_FS_English.pdf Le bénévolat virtuel au Canada Available in print and online Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP) IYV-- AIV ...

  3. Developing an effective corporate volunteer program: lessons from the Ford Motor Company of Canada experience

    2002 Pancer, S. Mark Rog, Evelina J. Corporations Pancer_MAN_English_Web.pdf Mise sur pied en entre entreprise d'un programme de bénévolat efficace: leçons tirées de l'expérience de Ford du Canada Limitée Available in print and online Volunteer ...

  4. What influences youth to volunteer?

    2002 Canadian Council on Social Development Research CCSD_FS_English.pdf Qu'est-ce qui porte les jeunes à faire du bénévolat? Available in print and online Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP) IYV-- AIV ...

  5. A portrait of Canada's charities: the size, scope and financing of registered charities

    1994 Sharpe, David Canadian Centre for Philanthropy Research sharpe_portrait_of_canadas_charities.pdf Available in print and online Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP) ...

  6. Establishing a private foundation

    2002 Goodman, Wolfe D. Stevens, David Families establishing_private_foundation_revised_2002.pdf Chapter 1. Private Philanthropy  Chapter 2. Incorporation of a Private Foundation Chapter 3. Tax Treatment of a Private Foundation Chapter 4. Responsibilities ...

  7. The voluntary sector in Canada: literature review and strategic considerations for a human resources sector study

    1998 Davidman, Katie Nonprofit organizations Available in print and online Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP) ...

  8. More than charity: building a new framework for Canadian private-voluntary sector relations: discussion paper for Imagine's Private Voluntary Sector Forum

    2001 Pinney, Chris Private/Voluntary Sector Forum (1st: Toronto, Ont.: 2001) Research more_than_charity_pv_forum_discussion_paper.pdf Imagine ...

  9. Charity facts 1993: information on giving, volunteering, and the charitable sector in Canada

    1993 Imagine (Program) Research charity_facts_1993.pdf L'état sur de la générosité en 1993: données sur les dons, le bénévolat et les organismes de bienfaisance au Canada Available in print and online Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP) ...

  10. Imagine: an initiative of the Canadian Centre for Philanthropy: a report on Phase II activities (1994-1999)

    2000 Canadian Centre for Philanthropy Accountability imagine_intiative_phase_2_report.pdf Imagine Phase II: a new spirit of community Available in print and online Imagine ...
