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  1. A study of the training needs of volunteers on the boards of nonprofit organizations serving Francophone and Acadian minority communities in Canada: research report

    2006 Imagine Canada. Knowledge Development Centre Volunteers FCFA_TrainingNeeds_report.pdf Étude des besoins en formation des bénévoles siégeant au conseil d'administration d'organismes sans but lucratif au service des communautés francophones ...

  2. Nonprofit sponsorship (CSBCC presentation)

    2009 Imagine Canada Fundraising: Corporate philanthropy Accountability nonprofit_sponsorship_presentation_en_25012011.pdf Commandites des entreprises aux OSBL. A presentation for businesses!  The answers to seven key questions about corporate sponsorship ...

  3. Assets and giving trends of Canada's grantmaking foundations

    2014 Imagine Canada Philanthropic Foundations Canada Fondations philanthropiques Canada Research Foundations Research Statistics Fundraising Trends trends-canadas-grantmaking-foundations-sept2014.pdf "Using data from Imagine Canada’s Grant Connect ...

  4. Can standards help charities to achieve their mission?: a discussion paper

    2007 Imagine Canada Fundraising… Les normes peuvent-elles aider les organismes de bienfaisance à accomplir leur mission?: document de discussion "The intent of this ...

  5. Our stories: stories about Aboriginal participation in the Northwest Territories Voluntary Sector

    2005 Auchterlonie, Sandy Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers 361.3708997 A8981 Nos histoires: la participation des Autochtones dans le secteur bénévole des Territoires du Nord-Ouest Available in print and online ...

  6. Simple solutions: a manual – how NGOs can eliminate barriers to volunteering by people with disabilities

    2005 Schmidl, Barry Canada Volunteerism Initiative Disabilities 361.37087 S3489 Des solutions simples: comment les ONG peuvent-elles éliminer les obstacles au bénévolat pour les personnes handicapées Available in print and onlinecheck s.h. Imagine Canada ...

  7. What motivates low-income volunteers?: a report on low-income volunteers in Vancouver and Prince George, British Columbia

    2005 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers 361.37086942 W5554 Qu'est-ce qui motive les bénévoles à faible revenu?: rapport sur les bénévoles à faible revenu de Vancouver et Prince George, Colombie-Britannique Available in print and online Imagine ...

  8. What will it take?: involving youth in policy, planning, and advocacy in voluntary organizations

    2005 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Youth 361.370835 W5556 Que faudra-t-il pour faire participer les jeunes à la planification, à l’élaboration de politiques et à la défense d’une cause dans les organismes bénévoles? Available in print and online Imagine ...

  9. How to manage insurance costs in the voluntary sector: tips and checklist

    2006 Pfaff, Vanessa Meinhard, Agnes G. Liability 368 P523 La gestion des coûts de l’assurance dans le secteur du bénévolat: conseils et listes de contrôle Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  10. Risky business: an exploration of risk and liability issues facing volunteer programs in the North Okanagan

    2006 Six, Karen Canada Volunteerism Initiative Liability 361.37097115 S6252 Un jeu dangereux: analyse des questions de risque et de responsabilité qui se posent aux programmes bénévoles du Nord de la vallée de l’Okanagan Available in print and online ...
