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  1. Working with your local government: a manual for environmental groups and volunteers

    2007 Lindsay, Lois Canada Volunteerism Initiative Collaborer avec votre collectivité locale: manuel pour les groupes environnementalistes et les écobénévoles Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  2. So you want to volunteer?: a fact sheet for youth

    2005 Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation Youth fs_coop_youth_eng.pdf Vous voulez faire du bénévolat?: fiche de renseignement pour les jeunes Available in print and onlinecheck s.h. Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  3. Good practices in risk management

    2005 Bertrand, Nicole Canada Volunteerism Initiative Charities fs_bertrand_risk_eng.pdf Les bonnes pratiques de gestion du risque Available in print and onlinecheck s.h. Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  4. How ethnic congregations help immigrants integrate into Canada

    2005 Handy, Femida Canada Volunteerism Initiative fs_handy_congregations_eng.pdf Comment les congrégations ethniques aident les immigrants à s'intégrer au Canada Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  5. Engaging Aboriginal volunteers in voluntary groups with territorial mandates in the Northwest Territories

    2005 Little, Lois M. Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers engaging_aboriginal_volunteers.pdf Faire participer les bénévoles autochtones à des organismes bénévoles à mission territoriale Available in print and onlinecheck s.h. Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  6. Fort McPherson: a volunteer model

    2005 Auchterlonie, Sandy Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers fort_mcpherson.pdf Fort McPherson: un modèle de bénévolat Available in print and onlinecheck s.h. Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  7. The role of ethnic congregations in volunteering: a research report

    2005 Handy, Femida Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research york_report.pdf Le rôle des congrégations ethniques dans le bénévolat: rapport de recherche Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  8. Low-income volunteers: people to appreciate and accommodate

    2005 Canada Volunteerism Initiative sparc_fact_sheet_2.pdf Les bénévoles à faible revenu: des gens à apprécier et à aider Available in print and onlinecheck s.h. Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  9. Engaging young volunteers in rural Newfoundland: overview

    2005 Locke, Fran Canada Volunteerism Initiative Youth csc_engaging_young_volunteers_fs.pdf Mobiliser les jeunes bénévoles en milieu rural à Terre-Neuve: aperçu Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  10. Key findings about young volunteers

    2005 Locke, Fran Canada Volunteerism Initiative Youth csc_key_findings_fs.pdf Principales constatations sur les jeunes bénévoles Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...
