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  1. Family volunteering: a natural for environmental stewardship organizations: best practices booklet

    2006 Lindsay, Lois Canada Volunteerism Initiative Families evergreen_best_practices.pdf Le bénévolat familial: une forme de bénévolat naturelle pour les organismes de gérance de l’environnemen: mode d’emploi des meilleurs pratiques Available in print and ...

  2. Island or iceberg?: liability and voluntary organizations: a research report

    2006 Meinhard, Agnes G. Ryerson Polytechnic University. Centre for Voluntary Sector Studies Liability easter_seals_report_island_report.pdf Île ou iceberg?: la responsabilité civile et les organismes bénévoles Available in print and online Imagine Canada ...

  3. Helping students get the most out of volunteering: a manual for schools and voluntary organizations

    2006 Wilfrid Laurier University. Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and Policy Youth wlu_manual_schools_and_organization.pdf Aider les élèves à tirer le meilleur parti du bénévolat: manuel pour les écoles et les organismes bénévoles et ...

  4. Getting the most out of your volunteer experience: a manual for high school students

    2006 Wilfrid Laurier University. Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and Policy Youth wlu_manual_students.pdf Tirer le meilleur de votre expérience bénévole: un guide pour les élèves du secondaire Also available in French under title: Tirer ...

  5. The nonprofit and voluntary sector in Canada

    2006 National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (Canada) Research Le secteur sans but lucratif et bénévole au Canada Also available in French under title: Le secteur ...

  6. Sports and recreation organizations in Canada

    2006 National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (Canada) Research Les organismes du domaine des sports et loisirs au Canada Also available in French under title: ...

  7. Religious organizations in Canada

    2006 National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (Canada) Research Les organismes du domaine religieux au Canada Also available in French under title: Les organismes du ...

  8. Social services organizations in Canada

    2006 National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (Canada) Research Les organismes du domaine des services sociaux au Canada Also available in French under title: Les ...

  9. Arts and culture organizations in Canada

    2006 National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (Canada) Research Arts & culture organizations in Canada Also available in French under title: Les organismes du ...

  10. Recruitment and retention of volunteers

    2006 National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (Canada) Research… Recrutement et conservation des bénévoles Also available in French under title: Recrutement ...
