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  1. Business contributions to Canadian communities: recent survey results

    Business contributions to Canadian communities: recent survey results Carters Charity Law Bulletin #113, March 2007. Article discusses the results of the  Canada Survey of Business Contributions to Community (CSBCC). Fundraising: Corporate philanthropy ...

  2. Narrative Core Resource: The Beginnings of a New Discussion with Canadians about the Charitable and Nonprofit Sector

    2014 Faul, Stephen Organizational management: Marketing and communications Public relations Communications Transparency narrative-core-resource-en.pdf Narrative Tool Kit This is the foundation for the Narrative – more detailed than the issue sheets – and ...

  3. The importance of vision, mission, and values

    2009 Deazeley, Beth Governance: Board roles and responsibilities Mission statements Board governance Strategic planning beth_deazeley_vision_oct_2009.pdf In this article Beth Deazeley explores what are values, missions and vision, as well as why they are ...

  4. Bridging Volunteer Experience to Career Development

    2011 Cooper, Reva Volunteer management rcooper_en_june2011.pdf Bridging Volunteer Experience to Career Development Slides from a presentation given at the 2011 Canadian Business & Community Partnership Forum, hosted by Imagine Canada and Volunteer ...

  5. Practical implications of CRA's new Community Economic Development policy

    2013 Organizational management: Policies and processes Practical implications of CRA's new Community Economic Development policy On July 26, 2012, Canada Revenue Agency released Guidance CG-014,Community Economic Development Activities and Charitable ...

  6. Youth volunteers: what's in it for your organization?

    2005 Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation fs_coop_organization_eng.pdf Les jeunes bénévoles: quels avantages présentent-ils pour votre organisme? "This fact sheet reports on findings of a research paper called "Creating a Governance Culture ...

  7. Caring Canadians, involved Canadians: highlights from the 1997 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating

    1998 Hall, Michael H. Knighton, Tamara Reed, Paul Bussière, Patrick McRae, Don Bowen, Paddy Imagine Canada Research Surveys Statistics Donations Canada Volunteers Community engagement Imagine Canada nsgvp_1997.pdf Caring Canadians, involved Canadians 1997 ...

  8. Youth volunteers: what's in it for your organization?

    2005 Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation Les jeunes bénévoles: quels avantages présentent-ils pour votre organisme? "This fact sheet reports on findings of a research paper called "Creating a Governance Culture that Nurtures and Values Youth ...

  9. Government, governance, and the nonprofit and voluntary sector in Ontario: a report about how local services realignment has affected the ability of organizations to recruit and retain leadership and governance volunteers

    2005 Christensen, Joan M. Silcoff, Carol Research 361.709713 C5547 Le gouvernement, la gouvernance et le secteur bénévole et sans but lucratif de l’Ontario: rapport sur l’incidence du remaniement des services locaux sur la capacité des organismes à ...

  10. Who are Canada's donors?

    2003 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (Canada) Imagine Canada Research Statistics Donors Canada Demographics Factsheets 2000_ca_who_are_canadas_donors.pdf Qui sont les donateurs au Canada? Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and ...
