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  1. Governance check-up: guidance for health care organizations: issues, responsibilities, actions

    1998 CCAF-FCVI Hospitals BOARDS & GOVERNANCE 362.10218 G7211 1998 Bilan de gouverne: conseils destinés aux organismes de soins de santé: enjeux, responsabilités et actions Includes self-assessment tools and checklists. Voluntary Sector Evaluation ...

  2. Donor centered fundraising: how to hold on to your donors and raise much more money

    2003 Burk, Penelope Fundraising: Methods donor recognition DONOR MOTIVATIONS 658.15224 B9591 2003 Burk's comprehensive study of donor communication, recognition and donor relations paints a clear picture of the kind of relationship that donors are ...

  3. Developing a risk management strategy: five steps to risk management in nonprofit and charitable organizations

    2005 Six, Karen Canada Volunteerism Initiative Organizational management: Risk management Liability guide_kowalski_risk_eng.pdf Also available in French under the title:  Élaboration d'une stratégie de gestion du risque: les cinq étapes de la gestion ...

  4. A call to action: diversity on Canadian not-for-profit boards

    2009 Bradshaw, Patricia Sukornyk, Lindsay Governance A call to action: diversity on Canadian nonprofit boards "We would like to acknowledge the Institute for Governance of Private and ...

  5. Public awareness and policy activity of charities

    2011 Lasby, David Vodarek, Lindsey Canada Using data from the third and most recent edition of Imagine Canada’s Sector Monitor, "What the Numbers Say" explores the public awareness and ...

  6. Canadian nonprofit sector compensation and benefits study

    2012 CharityVillage Associated Resource Centre Inc Staff management: Compensation and benefits Human resources Surveys Salaries Compensation Benefits Canada Purchase the most recent report from CharityVillage CharityVillage salary survey Survey conducted ...

  7. Navigating Canada's New Anti-Spam Laws for Charities and Nonprofit Organizations

    2014 Organizational management: Marketing and communications Navigating Canada's New Anti-Spam Laws for Charities and Nonprofit Organizations New “Anti-spam Legislation” coming into effect July 1, 2014 will create a regulatory scheme for spam and ...

  8. The who, how, what and why of corporate community investment in Canada: a summary of findings from the Canada Survey of Business Contributions to Community

    2011 Clarke, Brynn Ayer, Steven Imagine Canada Fundraising: Corporate philanthropy Corporate philanthropy Research Surveys Statistics bctc_summary_clarke_2011_eng.pdf The who, how, what and why of corporate community investment in Canada "This easy ...

  9. Charitable fundraising in Canada: results from a national survey of fundraising practices of Canadian charities

    1996 Hall, Michael H. Canadian Centre for Philanthropy Imagine Canada Fundraising: Policies and processes Research Fundraising Canada SECTOR STATISTICS 361.70971 H17831 1996 Charitable fund-raising in Canada Also available as a PDF Contents:  Chapter 1. ...

  10. Charitable fundraising in Canada: results from a national survey of fundraising practices of Canadian charities

    1996 Hall, Michael H. Canadian Centre for Philanthropy Imagine Canada Fundraising: Policies and processes Research Fundraising Canada hall_charitable_fundraising.pdf Charitable fund-raising in Canada Also available in print Contents:  Chapter 1. ...
