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  1. Political Activities by Charities: If you do it, do it smart!

    2014 Governance Political Activities by Charities If you do it, do it smart! Recorded September 23 2014. This webinar looks at the specific rules that apply to registered charities that decide to become involved in political activities, what “political ...

  2. Insights for strategic corporate fundraising: further findings from the Canada Survey of Business Contributions to Community

    2010 Ayer, Steven Imagine Canada Research Research Surveys Corporate philanthropy Statistics Business Canada csbcc_strategic_corporate_fundraising_10122010.pdf "This report makes use of data from the Canada Survey of Business Contributions to ...

  3. Philanthropic success stories in Canada

    2007 Sperling, Julie Hall, Michael H. Imagine Canada Philanthropists Fundraising Canada philanthropic_success_sept_2007.pdf This report is the product of conversations we had with philanthropy experts across the country. What emerged from these ...

  4. The Canadian nonprofit and voluntary sector in comparative perspective

    2005 Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies Research jhu_report_en.pdf Analyse comparative du secteur sans but lucratif et bénévole du Canada "Canada's participation in the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project augments ...

  5. The capacity challenges of nonprofit and voluntary organizations in rural Ontario

    2005 Stowe, Susan Barr, Cathy Widdis, 1962- Voluntarism rcsi_report_phase_2.pdf Rural Charitable Sector Research Initiative, Phase II: the capacity challenges of nonprofit and voluntary organizations in rural Ontario "This research represents Phase ...

  6. Focus groups

    2006 Zarinpoush, Fataneh Gotlib Conn, Lesley Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research Methods Checklists tipsheet1_focus_groups_en.pdf Tip Sheet #1 This tip sheet explains what a focus group is, when it should be used and how participants should be ...

  7. Survey research

    2006 Zarinpoush, Fataneh Gumulka, Glenn Research Surveys Methods Checklists tipsheet2_survey_research_en.pdf Tip Sheet #2 This tip sheet explains, in easy-to-understand language, common sampling techniques and survey research methods. It also discusses ...

  8. Project evaluation guide for nonprofit organizations: fundamental methods and steps for conducting project evaluation

    2006 Zarinpoush, Fataneh Canada Volunteerism Initiative Organizational management: Evaluation Evaluation Methods Accountability projectguide_final.pdf This guide is designed to assist charitable and nonprofit organizations to conduct precise and ...

  9. Beyond philanthropy: challenges facing the grantor community

    1985 Grantor's Conference for Foundations and Granting Agencies (3rd: 1984) Finance 361.763068 B5737 Tab 1. The tax treatment of charities with particular emphasis on charitable foundations / Laurence C. Murray-- Tab 2. The role and responsibilities ...

  10. The bottom line for corporate philanthropy

    1982 Berman, Joseph Agora Foundation Accountability 658.153 B5163 "This special study designed for CEOS and Boards of Directors seeking to define the role of the corporation in addressing public problems was prepared by Joseph Berman and Edward ...
