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  1. Caring Canadians, involved Canadians: highlights from the 1997 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating

    1998 Hall, Michael H. Knighton, Tamara Reed, Paul Bussière, Patrick McRae, Don Bowen, Paddy Imagine Canada Research Surveys Statistics Donations Canada Volunteers Community engagement Imagine Canada nsgvp_1997.pdf Caring Canadians, involved Canadians 1997 ...

  2. Understanding the capacity of sports and recreation organizations: a synthesis of findings from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations and the National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating

    2005 Imagine Canada Research understanding_capacity_of_sports_rec_report.pdf Comprendre les capacités des organismes de sports et de loisirs: une synthèse des constatations de l'Enquête nationale des organismes bénévoles et sans but lucratif et de l& ...

  3. The role of ethnic congregations in volunteering: a research report

    2005 Handy, Femida Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research york_report.pdf Le rôle des congrégations ethniques dans le bénévolat: rapport de recherche Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  4. Employee volunteerism: benefits and challenges for businesses

    2006 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research ULeth_Benefits_FS.pdf Le bénévolat des employés: ses avantages et ses difficultés pour les entreprises Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  5. What if a board member is treasurer and chair of the audit committee?

    2009 Deazeley, Beth Governance: Board roles and responsibilities Boards of directors Committees Roles Risk management beth_deazeley_sept_2009_board.pdf Imagine Canada Insurance & Liability Resource Centre Expert Columns ...

  6. Control your Cash and You Control your Business

    2010 Finlay, James F. Financial management: Legal requirements and best practices Risk management Financial management Fraud james_f_finlay_mar_2010.pdf Imagine Canada Insurance & Liability Resource Centre Expert Columns ...

  7. Safeguarding Nonprofit Organizations against Fraud

    2014 Risk Management Safeguarding Nonprofit Organizations against Fraud Learn how fraud happens in charitable organizations and learn what you can do to protect your organization from fraudulent activity.   Imagine Canada ...

  8. The who, how, what and why of corporate community investment in Canada: a summary of findings from the Canada Survey of Business Contributions to Community

    2011 Clarke, Brynn Ayer, Steven Imagine Canada Fundraising: Corporate philanthropy Corporate philanthropy Research Surveys Statistics bctc_summary_clarke_2011_eng.pdf The who, how, what and why of corporate community investment in Canada "This easy ...

  9. Supporting and recognizing youth as community volunteers

    2005 Froment-Prévosto, Cathy Canada Volunteerism Initiative Soutien et témoignages de reconnaissance pour les jeunes qui font du bénévolat dans la collectivité Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  10. Why do youth get involved in community volunteering?

    2005 Froment-Prévosto, Cathy Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research Pour quelles raisons les jeunes s’engagent-ils dans le bénévolat dans la collectivité? Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...
