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  1. Family volunteering in environmental stewardship initiatives: research report

    2006 Lindsay, Lois Canada Volunteerism Initiative Families evergreen_family_volunteering.pdf Le bénévolat familial dans les activités de gérance de l’environnement: rapport de recherche Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  2. How to organize training sessions for harbour authorities and other community-based management organizations: a manual

    2006 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers 387.10683 H8477 Manuel d’organisation de séances de formation pour les administrations portuaires et autres organismes communautaires de gestion Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  3. Stepping forward: including volunteers with intellectual disabilities: guide

    2006 Robinson, Kelly Canada Volunteerism Initiative Disabilities 362. 3 R5639 Un pas en avant: guide pour l’intégration des bénévoles atteints de déficience intellectuelle: guide livre Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  4. Immigrant women as volunteers: benefits for charitable and nonprofit organizations

    2007 Fletcher, Fay L. Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers Les femmes immigrantes comme bénévoles: les avantages pour les organismes de bienfaisance et sans but lucratif Available in print and onlineSocial services organizations Imagine Canada KDC-- ...

  5. Risk management: a guide for nonprofit and charitable organizations

    2006 Bertrand, Nicole Canada Volunteerism Initiative Liability prince_albert_planning_guide.pdf Gestion du risque: un guide pour les organismes sans but lucratif et de bienfaisance Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  6. What role should the Board of Directors play in strategic planning?

    2009 Deazeley, Beth Governance: Board roles and responsibilities Strategic planning Board of directors Responsibilities Board governance beth_deazeley_sept_2009.pdf Organizing a strategy session as a board.  Imagine Canada Insurance & Liability ...

  7. Imagine Canada’s Sector Monitor vol.1 no.2

    2010 Lasby, David Barr, Cathy Imagine Canada Research Surveys Nonprofit sector Canada sectormonitor_vol1_no2_2010.pdf This issue of the  Sector Monitor  report compares conditions from the first half of 2010 to the baseline established by the first survey ...

  8. Imagine Canada’s Sector Monitor vol.1 no.1

    2010 Lasby, David Barr, Cathy Imagine Canada Research Surveys Nonprofit sector Canada sectormonitor_vol1_no1_2010.pdf The first version of the  Sector Monitor  focused on the effects of the recent economic downturn on registered charities. The report ...

  9. How to manage insurance costs in the voluntary sector: tips and checklist

    2006 Pfaff, Vanessa Meinhard, Agnes G. Liability 368 P523 La gestion des coûts de l’assurance dans le secteur du bénévolat: conseils et listes de contrôle Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  10. "One plank at a time": volunteer harbour management in Nova Scotia: a research report

    2006 MacInnes, Daniel Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers 387.109716 M1523 "Une planche à la fois": gestion bénévole des ports en Nouvelle-Écosse: rapport de recherche Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...
