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  1. The overseas experience: a passport to improved volunteerism: a research report

    2007 Kelly, Sean Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research cuso_overseasexperience_report.pdf L’expérience outre-mer: un passeport pour l’amélioration du bénévolat: rapport de recherche Available in print and onlinenot labeled yet Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  2. Managers of volunteers: a profile of the profession

    2004 Zarinpoush, Fataneh Moreton, Jason Research Managers_of_Volunteers_Report_English.pdf Gestionnaires des ressources bénévoles: portrait de la profession Also available in French under title: Gestionnaires des ressources bénévoles: portrait de la ...

  3. The temple and the tavern: a case study of family volunteering at Santropol Roulant

    2007 Paddock, Tana Canada Volunteerism Initiative Families 361.37 P1232 La chapelle et le bistrot: étude d’un cas de bénévolat familial au Santropol Roulant Available in print and onlineprint run April Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  4. "One plank at a time": volunteer harbour management in Nova Scotia: a research report

    2006 MacInnes, Daniel Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers nwt_our_stories_fr.pdf "Une planche à la fois": gestion bénévole des ports en Nouvelle-Écosse: rapport de recherche Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  5. Guidelines for the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal women volunteers: handbook

    2006 Mowatt, Brandy Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers iaaw_guidelines_recruitment_handbook.pdf Lignes directrices pour le recrutement et le maintien dans leur poste des femmes autochtones bénévoles: manuel Available in print and online Imagine ...

  6. Volunteering in Alberta

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Bénévolat en Alberta Also available in French under title: Bénévolat en Alberta2009 NAL- r Imagine ...

  7. Volunteering in Manitoba

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Bénévolat en Manitoba Also available in French under title: Bénévolat en Manitoba2009 NAL- r Imagine ...

  8. Volunteering in Saskatchewan

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Bénévolat en Saskatchewan Also available in French under title: Bénévolat en Saskatchewan2009 NAL- r ...

  9. Volunteering in Ontario

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Bénévolat en Ontario Also available in French under title: Bénévolat en Ontario2009 NAL- r Imagine ...

  10. Volunteering in Québec

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Bénévolat en Québec Also available in French under title: Bénévolat en Québec2009 NAL- r Imagine Canada ...
