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  1. Charitable giving in Nova Scotia

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Dons de bienfaisance en Nouvelle-Écosse Also available in French under title: Dons de bienfaisance en ...

  2. Volunteering in Newfoundland and Labrador

    2008 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Research… Bénévolat en Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador Also available in French under title: Bénévolat en Terre-Neuve-et ...

  3. Project evaluation guide for nonprofit organizations: fundamental methods and steps for conducting project evaluation

    2006 Zarinpoush, Fataneh Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research Social sciences RESEARCH METHODS 361.0068 Z37 Guide d'évaluation de projet à l'intention des organismes sans but lucratif: méthodes et étapes fondamentales pour procéder à l' ...

  4. Evaluation practices in Canadian voluntary organizations

    2005 Voluntary Sector Evaluation Research Project Organizational management vserp_fact_sheet.pdf Pratiques en matière d'évaluation dans les organismes bénévoles canadiens Also available in French under title: Pratiques en matière d'évaluation ...

  5. Business contributions to Canadian communities: recent survey results

    Business contributions to Canadian communities: recent survey results Carters Charity Law Bulletin #113, March 2007. Article discusses the results of the  Canada Survey of Business Contributions to Community (CSBCC). Fundraising: Corporate philanthropy ...

  6. Narrative Core Resource: The Beginnings of a New Discussion with Canadians about the Charitable and Nonprofit Sector

    2014 Faul, Stephen Organizational management: Marketing and communications Public relations Communications Transparency narrative-core-resource-en.pdf Narrative Tool Kit This is the foundation for the Narrative – more detailed than the issue sheets – and ...

  7. Bridging Volunteer Experience to Career Development

    2011 Cooper, Reva Volunteer management rcooper_en_june2011.pdf Bridging Volunteer Experience to Career Development Slides from a presentation given at the 2011 Canadian Business & Community Partnership Forum, hosted by Imagine Canada and Volunteer ...

  8. Our stories: stories about Aboriginal participation in the Northwest Territories Voluntary Sector

    2005 Auchterlonie, Sandy Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers 361.3708997 A8981 Nos histoires: la participation des Autochtones dans le secteur bénévole des Territoires du Nord-Ouest Available in print and online ...

  9. Risky business: an exploration of risk and liability issues facing volunteer programs in the North Okanagan

    2006 Six, Karen Canada Volunteerism Initiative Liability 361.37097115 S6252 Un jeu dangereux: analyse des questions de risque et de responsabilité qui se posent aux programmes bénévoles du Nord de la vallée de l’Okanagan Available in print and online ...

  10. Intra-organizational volunteerism: a manual for creating internal marketing programs to recruit employee volunteers

    2006 Peloza, John Canada Volunteerism Initiative Accountability 361.765 P367 Bénévolat intra-organisationnel: manuel pour la création de programmes de marketing internes pour recruter des employés bénévoles Available in print and onlineTHIS IS NOT A ...
