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  1. Public awareness and policy activity of charities

    2011 Lasby, David Vodarek, Lindsey Canada Using data from the third and most recent edition of Imagine Canada’s Sector Monitor, "What the Numbers Say" explores the public awareness and ...

  2. Practical implications of CRA's new Community Economic Development policy

    2013 Organizational management: Policies and processes Practical implications of CRA's new Community Economic Development policy On July 26, 2012, Canada Revenue Agency released Guidance CG-014,Community Economic Development Activities and Charitable ...

  3. Engaging young volunteers (age 15 – 34) in rural Newfoundland: a research report

    2006 Locke, Fran Canada Volunteerism Initiative Youth csc_report_engaging_young_volunteers.pdf Mobiliser les jeunes (âgés de 15 à 34 ans) en milieu rural à Terre-Neuve: rapport de recherche Also available in French under title: Mobiliser les jeunes (âgés ...

  4. "Walk beside me, and be my friend": framework for volunteer involvement for youth ages 15 to 19 in Montérégie

    2006 Froment-Prévosto, Cathy Canada Volunteerism Initiative Youth loisir_sport_report_walk_beside_me.pdf "Ne marcher ni devant, ni derrière, mais aux côtés des jeunes": cadre de référence de l'engagement bénévole des jeunes âgés de 15 à 19 ...

  5. Government, governance, and the nonprofit and voluntary sector in Ontario: a report about how local services realignment has affected the ability of organizations to recruit and retain leadership and governance volunteers

    2005 Christensen, Joan M. Silcoff, Carol Research 361.709713 C5547 Le gouvernement, la gouvernance et le secteur bénévole et sans but lucratif de l’Ontario: rapport sur l’incidence du remaniement des services locaux sur la capacité des organismes à ...

  6. Who are Canada's donors?

    2003 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (Canada) Imagine Canada Research Statistics Donors Canada Demographics Factsheets 2000_ca_who_are_canadas_donors.pdf Qui sont les donateurs au Canada? Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and ...

  7. The nonprofit and voluntary sector in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the Territories

    2005 National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (Canada) Research factsheet_voluntary_sector_mani_sask_terr.pdf Le secteur sans but lucratif et bénévole au Manitoba, dans la Saskatchewan et dans les territoires Also available in French under ...

  8. Government, governance, and the nonprofit and voluntary sector in Ontario: a report about how local services realignment has affected the ability of organizations to recruit and retain leadership and governance volunteers

    2005 Christensen, Joan M. Silcoff, Carol Research report_covo_english.pdf Le gouvernement, la gouvernance et le secteur bénévole et sans but lucratif de l’Ontario: rapport sur l’incidence du remaniement des services locaux sur la capacité des organismes à ...

  9. Continuing strong traditions: Aboriginal participation in the Northwest Territories' voluntary sector: a research report

    2005 Little, Lois M. Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers continuing_strong_traditions.pdf Perpétuer des traditions solidement ancrées: la participation des Autochtones au secteur bénévole des T.N.-O.: Rapport de recherche Also available in French ...

  10. Getting the most out of your volunteer experience: a manual for high school students

    2006 Wilfrid Laurier University. Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and Policy Youth wlu_manual_students.pdf Tirer le meilleur de votre expérience bénévole: un guide pour les élèves du secondaire Also available in French under title: Tirer ...
