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  1. Attracting and keeping youth volunteers: creating a governance culture that nurtures and values youth

    2005 Rising Tide Co-operative Ltd. Youth manual_canadian_workers_coop_eng.pdf Attirer et retenir les jeunes bénévoles: créer une culture de la gouvernance qui valorise et qui stimule les jeunes Also available in French under title: Attirer et retenir les ...

  2. Board volunteers in Canada: their motivations and challenges: a research report

    2006 Ridley, Elizabeth Canada Volunteerism Initiative Nonprofit organizations imagine_board_volunteers_report.pdf Les bénévoles des conseils d’administration au Canada: leurs motivations et les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent: rapport de recherche Also ...

  3. Core volunteers: exploring the values, attitudes, and behaviours underlying sustained volunteerism in Canada: report

    2006 Gotlib Conn, Lesley Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers imagine_core_exploringthevalues_report.pdf Les bénévoles essentiels: analyse des valeurs, attitudes et comportements à la base du bénévolat soutenu au Canada: rapport de recherche Also ...

  4. Youth volunteerism: measuring the benefits of Community Service Learning Programs: report

    2006 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research report_youth_volunteerism_sutherland.pdf Le bénévolat chez les jeunes: évaluation des bienfaits de l’apprentissage par le biais du service communautaire: rapport de recherche Also available in French under ...

  5. Donor centered fundraising: how to hold on to your donors and raise much more money

    2003 Burk, Penelope Fundraising: Methods donor recognition DONOR MOTIVATIONS 658.15224 B9591 2003 Burk's comprehensive study of donor communication, recognition and donor relations paints a clear picture of the kind of relationship that donors are ...

  6. Youth volunteers: what's in it for your organization?

    2005 Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation Les jeunes bénévoles: quels avantages présentent-ils pour votre organisme? "This fact sheet reports on findings of a research paper called "Creating a Governance Culture that Nurtures and Values Youth ...

  7. Engaging people with early stage Alzheimer's disease in the work of the Alzheimer Society: a research report

    2006 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers Alzh_EngagingPeoples_Aug14_2006.pdf La participation de personnes dans la phase initiale de la maladie d’Alzheimer au travail de la société Alzheimer: rapport de recherche Also available in French under title ...

  8. Canadian nonprofit sector compensation and benefits study

    2012 CharityVillage Associated Resource Centre Inc Staff management: Compensation and benefits Human resources Surveys Salaries Compensation Benefits Canada Purchase the most recent report from CharityVillage CharityVillage salary survey Survey conducted ...

  9. Navigating Canada's New Anti-Spam Laws for Charities and Nonprofit Organizations

    2014 Organizational management: Marketing and communications Navigating Canada's New Anti-Spam Laws for Charities and Nonprofit Organizations New “Anti-spam Legislation” coming into effect July 1, 2014 will create a regulatory scheme for spam and ...

  10. A proposal to implement standards of excellence in Canada’s voluntary sector: executive summary

    2009 Nonprofit organizations… Ensuring excellence: standards and accreditation for Canada’s voluntary sector "Mission: To define the behaviours, standards and practices ...
