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  1. Towards a new partnership for community building: a report from the Private- Voluntary Sector Forum

    2004 Pinney, Chris Conference Board of Canada Accountability Vers un nouveau partenariat pour le développement communautaire: rapport du Forum du secteur privé et du secteur bénévole "This research... ...

  2. The rural charitable sector research initiative: a portrait of the nonprofit and voluntary sector in rural Ontario

    2004 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (Canada) Research Rural_Report.pdf A portrait of the nonprofit and voluntary sector in rural Ontario "In 2003, the Foundation for Rural Living (FRL) formed a partnership with the Canadian ...

  3. Helping Canada's charitable and nonprofit organizations and their allies work for social progress and build stronger communities: a background paper

    2004 Canadian Centre for Philanthropy Assister les organismes de bienfaisance, les organismes à but nonlucratif et leurs partenaires dans leur oeuvre de progrès social et de création de ...

  4. Caregiving volunteers: a coming crisis?

    2002 Phillips, Susan D. Goodine, Laura A. Volunteers Phillips_SR2_English_Web.pdf Les aidants bénévoles: une crise à venir? Available in print and onlineSocial services organizations Volunteer Canada IYV-- AIV ...

  5. Costs and contributions of professional volunteer management: lessons from Ontario hospitals

    2002 Handy, Femida Volunteer Canada Volunteers Handy_SR1_English_Web.pdf Coûts et contributions de la gestion professionnelle du bénévolat: leçons tirées des hôpitaux de l'Ontario Available in print and online Volunteer Canada IYV-- AIV ...

  6. [Executive summaries: the voluntary health sector in Canada]

    1999 Canada. Health Canada Volunteers Résumés: les organismes bénévoles dans le secteur de la santé au Canada A discussion paper on outcomes and measurement in the voluntary health sector in Canada: executive ...

  7. Hospital volunteers: an important and changing resource

    2002 Handy, Femida Volunteer Canada Volunteers handy_sr2_english_web.pdf Les bénévoles en milieu hospitalier: une ressource changeante et importante Available in print and onlineshould be.1109713 Volunteer Canada IYV-- AIV ...

  8. The impact of information and communications technology on volunteer management

    2002 Murray, Victor V. Harrison, Yvonne Volunteers Murray_SR1_English_Web.pdf Impact des technologies de l'information et des communications sur la gestion du bénévolat Available in print and online Volunteer Canada IYV-- AIV ...

  9. Recruiting, retaining, and rewarding volunteers: what volunteers have to say

    2002 Phillips, Susan D. Goodine, Laura A. Volunteers Phillips_SR1_English_Web.pdf Recrutement, conservation et reconnaissance des bénévoles: le point de vue des bénévoles Available in print and online Volunteer Canada IYV-- AIV ...

  10. Religion, participation, and charitable giving: an executive summary

    1999 Bowen, Kurt Canada. Canadian Heritage Civic engagement La religion, le bénévolat et les dons de bienfaisance: un sommaire "ENDBP" Canadian Heritage NSGVP 1997 ...
