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  1. Safeguarding Nonprofit Organizations against Fraud

    2014 Risk Management Safeguarding Nonprofit Organizations against Fraud Learn how fraud happens in charitable organizations and learn what you can do to protect your organization from fraudulent activity.   Imagine Canada ...

  2. A portrait of sports and recreation organizations in Canada [toolkit]

    2006 Imagine Canada Research SECTOR STATISTICS 790.0971 P8383 2006 Portrait des organismes du secteur des sports et loisirs du Canada [trousse] Disc includes: Sports & recreation organizations in Canada [fact sheet]-- Understanding the capacity of ...

  3. A portrait of social services organizations in Canada [toolkit]

    2006 Imagine Canada Research SECTOR STATISTICS 361.0060971 P8383 2006 Portrait des organismes du secteur des services sociaux du Canada [trousse] Disc includes:Social services organizations in Canada [fact sheet];Understanding the capacity of social ...

  4. A portrait of religious organizations in Canada [toolkit]

    2006 Imagine Canada Research SECTOR STATISTICS 361.37088 P8383 2006 Portrait des organismes du secteur de la religion du Canada [trousse] Disc includes:Religious organizations in Canada [fact sheet]Understanding the Capacity of Religious OrganizationsThe ...

  5. Charitable giving is an investment decision: five things to consider when making a charitable donation

    2007 Imagine Canada Donations Les dons de charité constituent une décision de placement: cinq éléments à étudier en faisant un don Also available in French under title: Les ...

  6. Standards Program Interpretation Guide- Board Oversight of the Most Senior Staff Person: A3, A4, A5

    2018 Imagine Canada EY Governance Related organization Standards Accountability Employee Governance Interpretation Guide_A3-A4-A5_OversightMostSrStaff_EN.pdf Focusing on the issue of board oversight of staff employed by a related organization, this paper ...

  7. Insurance Coverages Nonprofits and Charities Need to Understand

    Hartley, David Organizational management: Risk management Insurance Liabilty Nonprofit Organizations Charities Canada nonprofit_insurance_coverage_20090403.pdf The information in this resource is intended only as a reference. You should always seek advice ...

  8. Leadership perspectives: interviews with leaders of Canada's charities and nonprofit organizations

    2007 Imagine Canada. Research Program Public opinion leadership_perspectives_080108.pdf "We know little about the perspectives that leaders of Canada’s charitable and nonprofit organizations have about their organizations and their work, despite the ...

  9. Statement on employee compensation in the charitable and nonprofit sector

    2012 Imagine Canada Staff management: Compensation and benefits statement_compensation_07192011.pdf Also available in French under the title: Déclaration sur la rémunération des employés dans le secteur de bienfaisance et sans but lucratif Recently, there ...

  10. Caring Canadians, involved Canadians: highlights from the 2000 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating

    2001 Hall, Michael H. McKewon, Larry Roberts, Karen Imagine Canada Volunteers Donors Statistics Surveys Canada Community engagement Imagine Canada 2000_nsgvp.pdf Caring Canadians, involved Canadians 2000 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and ...
