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Aboriginal governance and leadership: volunteers in the Friendship Centres of Canada: report
2006 Durst, Douglas Canada Volunteerism Initiative Participation report_aboriginal_governance_leadership.pdf La gouvernance et le leadership autochtones: les bénévoles des centres d’amitié du Canada: rapport de recherche Also available in French under ...
Board volunteers in Canada: their motivations and challenges: a research report
2006 Ridley, Elizabeth Canada Volunteerism Initiative Nonprofit organizations imagine_board_volunteers_report.pdf Les bénévoles des conseils d’administration au Canada: leurs motivations et les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent: rapport de recherche Also ...
Core volunteers: exploring the values, attitudes, and behaviours underlying sustained volunteerism in Canada: report
2006 Gotlib Conn, Lesley Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers imagine_core_exploringthevalues_report.pdf Les bénévoles essentiels: analyse des valeurs, attitudes et comportements à la base du bénévolat soutenu au Canada: rapport de recherche Also ...
Engaging people with early stage Alzheimer's disease in the work of the Alzheimer Society: a research report
2006 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers Alzh_EngagingPeoples_Aug14_2006.pdf La participation de personnes dans la phase initiale de la maladie d’Alzheimer au travail de la société Alzheimer: rapport de recherche Also available in French under title ...
Youth volunteerism: measuring the benefits of Community Service Learning Programs: report
2006 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research report_youth_volunteerism_sutherland.pdf Le bénévolat chez les jeunes: évaluation des bienfaits de l’apprentissage par le biais du service communautaire: rapport de recherche Also available in French under ...
Best practices in school community service programs: evidence from Canada and abroad
2007 Meinhard, Agnes G. Voluntarism bestpractices_wlu_2007.pdf Pratiques d’excellence dans les programmes scolaires de service communautaire: éléments probants du Canada et de l’étranger Also available in French under title: Pratiques d’excellence dans ...
Perceptions, attitudes, and motivations of new Canadians regarding volunteerism: research report
2007 Chiasson, Nicole Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers aide_perceptionsattitudes_mar19_2007.pdf Perceptions, attitudes et motivations des personnes néo-canadiennes à l’égard de l’action bénévole: rapport de recherche Also available in French ...
Caring Canadians, involved Canadians: highlights from the 2004 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating
2006 Hall, Michael H. Lasby, David Gumulka, Glenn Tryon, Catherine Imagine Canada Research Canada Statistics Surveys Donors Volunteers Charities csgvp_2004.pdf Caring Canadians, involved Canadians 2004 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and ...
The nonprofit and voluntary sector in Alberta: regional highlights of the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations
2006 Roach, Robert National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (Canada) Research Le secteur sans but lucratif et bénévole de l'Alberta: faits saillants régionaux de l ...
The nonprofit and voluntary sector in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the Territories: regional highlights of the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations
2006 Frankel, Sid National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (Canada) Research… Le secteur sans but lucratif et bénévole du Manitoba, de la Saskatchewan et des ...