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  1. A portrait of sports and recreation organizations in Canada

    2006 Imagine Canada Research S-R_executive_S.pdf Portrait des organismes du secteur des sports et loisirs du Canada Available in print and onlineThe toolkit is catalogued separately Imagine Canada ENONB ...

  2. Highlights from the Sector Monitor, vol.2, no. 1 (presentation)

    2011 Imagine Canada Lasby, David Research Surveys Canada Sector Monitor sectormonitor_highlights_ppt_v2_n1.pdf Presentation: Highlights from the Sector Monitor, vol.2, no. 1 Imagine Canada v.2, no.1 Sector Monitor / Enquête sectorielle ...

  3. Employee volunteering: connecting companies to communities

    2007 Imagine Canada. Knowledge Development Centre Accountability corporatebulletin_feb1_2007.pdf Le bénévolat des employés: mettre en relation les entreprises et les collectivités Title from caption Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  4. Imagine Canada's Sector Monitor vol.1, no. 3: Factsheet 2

    2011 Imagine Canada Lasby, David Research Surveys Canada Nonprofit sector sectormonitor_vol1_no3_factsheet2_2010.pdf Public awareness and policy activity, top-line summary Imagine Canada v.1, no.3, factsheet 2 Sector Monitor / Enquête sectorielle ...

  5. Cost of fundraising questions and answers

    2012 Imagine Canada Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Fundraising: Policies and processes Fundraising Cost effectiveness fundraising_costs_q_a.pdf Q&A on fundraising practices such as fundraising ratios and percentage based compensation.  ...

  6. Charitable gifts of securities: implications for Canadian organizations

    2007 Lasby, David Imagine Canada. Research Program Investments gifts_of_securities_080612.pdf Also available in French under title: Des dons d'actions: implications pour des organismes de bienfaisance au Canada Imagine Canada ...

  7. National Summit report

    2012 Imagine Canada Public policy Rapport sur le sommet Also available in French under the title: Rapport sur le sommet Imagine Canada ...

  8. Imagine Canada’s Sector Monitor vol.2 no.2

    2012 Lasby, David Barr, Cathy Imagine Canada Research Surveys Nonprofit sector Canada sectormonitor_v2_n2_2012.pdf Welcome to Imagine Canada’s fifth Sector Monitor report since the program began late 2009. In this report we present results from our newly ...

  9. Gérez le risque en toute confiance… (presentation in French)Featuring Norm O'Reilly, associate professor at the University of Ottawa Imagine Canada 20/04/2011 Imagine Canada ...

  10. Principles in Nonprofit Branding

    2010 Organizational management: Marketing and communications Strategies to Stand Out and Deepen Partnerships Powerpoint slides of original video featuring Jocelyne Daw, Founder and CEO of JS Daw and Associates Imagine Canada 28/09/2011 Imagine Canada ...
