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  1. Introducing 'A People Lens'

    A People Lens: An Introduction Featuring Maria Turnbull, Associate Executive Director at Vantage Point Imagine Canada 25/05/2011 Imagine canada ...

  2. Quel est l'état de santé RH des organismes communautaires?

    Governance (presentation in French) Featuring Amanda Hudson and Lee Rose, HR Sector Council Imagine Canada 01/12/2010 Imagine Canada ...

  3. Skeletons in the Closet: The ABCs of Donor Screening

    Fundraising Skeletons in the Closet: The ABCs of Donor Screening Featuring Michael Jantzi, Jantzi Research Imagine Canada 15/10/2008 Imagine Canada ...

  4. Applying for charitable status

    2010 Applying for Charitable Status- A Charity Tax Tools webinar Imagine Canada Charity Tax Tools Webinars ...

  5. A portrait of social services organizations in Canada

    2006 Imagine Canada Research S-S_executiveS.pdf Portrait des organismes du secteur des services sociaux du Canada Also available in French under title: Portrait des organismes du secteur des services sociaux du CanadaSocial services organizations Imagine ...

  6. A portrait of sports and recreation organizations in Canada

    2006 Imagine Canada Research S-R_executive_S.pdf Portrait des organismes du secteur des sports et loisirs du Canada Available in print and onlineThe toolkit is catalogued separately Imagine Canada ENONB ...

  7. Employee volunteering: connecting companies to communities

    2007 Imagine Canada. Knowledge Development Centre Accountability corporatebulletin_feb1_2007.pdf Le bénévolat des employés: mettre en relation les entreprises et les collectivités Title from caption Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  8. Youth volunteering: a rich and diverse contribution to community

    2007 Imagine Canada. Knowledge Development Centre Youth youthbulletin.pdf Le bénévolat des jeunes: une contribution riche et diversifiée à la collectivité Title from caption Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  9. Volunteering, diversity, and inclusion

    2007 Imagine Canada. Knowledge Development Centre Voluntarism diversitybulletin_mar5_2007.pdf Bénévolat, diversité et intégration Title from captionNot sure what special coll index Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  10. Volunteer management, leadership, and governance

    2007 Imagine Canada. Knowledge Development Centre Voluntarism VolMgmtBulletin_Mar19_2007.pdf Gestion des bénévoles, leadership et gouvernance Title from caption Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...
