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  1. Expanding volunteerism in rural schools in Nova Scotia: promising practices

    2006 Baskwill, Jane Canada Volunteerism Initiative Youth MSVU_fs_expandingvol.pdf Développer le bénévolat dans les écoles rurales de la Nouvelle-Écosse: pratiques prometteuses Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  2. Board volunteers in Canada

    2006 Brownlee, Barbara Canada Volunteerism Initiative Nonprofit organizations Imagine_board_volunteers_fs.pdf Bénévoles des conseils d’administration au Canada Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  3. What motivates core volunteers?

    2006 Gotlib Conn, Lesley Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers Imagine_core_volunteers_FS.pdf Quelles sont les motivations des bénévoles essentiels? Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  4. Canadians overseas, Canadians back home: volunteerism without borders

    2006 Kelly, Sean Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research CUSO_FS_Overseas.pdf Canadiens d’outre-mer de retour au pays: bénévolat sans frontières Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  5. Employee volunteerism: benefits and challenges for businesses

    2006 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research ULeth_Benefits_FS.pdf Le bénévolat des employés: ses avantages et ses difficultés pour les entreprises Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  6. Employee volunteerism: what supports do companies provide?

    2006 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research ULeth_CompanySupport_FS.pdf Le bénévolat des employés: comment les entreprises le soutiennent-elles? Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  7. The impact of company support on employee volunteering

    2006 Basil, Debra Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research ULeth_Evolunteering_FS.pdf L’incidence du soutien des entreprises sur le bénévolat des employés Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  8. Immigrant women: why volunteer?

    2007 Fletcher, Fay L. Canada Volunteerism Initiative Employment fs_immigrantwomenwhyvolunteer_changingtogether2007.pdf Les femmes immigrantes: pourquoi faire du bénévolat? Available in print and online Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  9. Recruitment of Aboriginal volunteers at sporting events

    2007 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers fs__recruiting_sasksport_2007.pdf Recrutement de bénévoles autochtones pour des événements sportifs Available in print and onlineSports and recreation Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  10. Retention of Aboriginal volunteers at sporting events

    2007 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers fs_retention_sasksport_2007.pdf Maintien dans leur poste des bénévoles autochtones à des événements sportifs Available in print and onlineSports and recreation Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...
