Article by Jane Garthson, Governance Q & A, Charity Village. Posted July 4, 2011
"Some of the directors of my nonprofit want to be paid a per diem for board and board committee work. Is this ethical?
There's recently been a lively online international discussion among governance...
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De Corporations Canada, un extrait de la discussion complète au sujet d'exigences des administrateurs. Lisez plus "Les administrateurs"
Rémunération des administrateurs, des dirigeants et des membres
Le conseil d'administration d'une organisation peut fixer des niveaux raisonnables de...
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Excerpt from Corporations Canada webpage for Not-for-profit Corporations The directors
"Remuneration of directors, officers and members
The directors of a corporation are entitled to fix reasonable levels of remuneration for the directors, officers and employees of a corporation, unless the...
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