Standard C6: Fundraising activities
Description: All fundraising activities conducted by or on behalf of the organization must: be truthful, accurately describe the organization’s activities, disclose the organization’s name, disclose the purpose for which funds are requested, disclose the organization’s policy with respect to issuing Official Income Tax receipts including any policy on minimum amounts for which a receipt will be issued; and, disclose, upon request, whether the individual or entity seeking donations is a volunteer, employee or contracted third party.
Standard C6 Explained
Fundraising for Registered Charities
CRA’s Fundraising Guidelines – Legal, Ethical, and Practical Issues
Code de déontologie et règles de conduite professionnelle de l'AFP
A donor bill of rights
AFP Code of ethical principles and standards of professional practice : statement of ethical principles
Code of ethics and standards of practice
Code de déontologie et normes de pratique
Charitable Fundraising: Tips for Directors and Trustees
Collectes de fonds de bienfaisance : conseils pour les administrateurs et les fiduciaires