"Tools and resources to better match people and organizations, improve the safety and quality of programs in communities, and reduce risks and liability"
Table of contents:
Part I – Duty of Care
Chapter 1 – Key Concepts
Chapter 2 – Social Policy and Regulatory Framework ...
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Table des matières:
Qu’est-ce que la sélection préalable?
Processus de sélection préalable
Étape 1 – Gestion des risques
Étape 2 – Utilisation de l’organigramme et des descriptions de travail de l’organisme afin de déterminer et de gérer les risques
Étape 3 – Processus de...
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"Outils et ressources pour mieux jumeler les bénévoles et les organismes, améliorer la sécurité et la qualité des programmes communautaires, et réduire les risques et la responsabilité"
Table des matières :
Partie I : Obligation de diligence
Chapitre 1 - Principaux concepts
Chapitre 2 -...
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Outlines the ongoing 10-step process organizations should perform when screening volunteers. The following excerpt provides an overview:
"Screening involves much more than police record checks. While police record checks are one of the 10 Steps of Screening, screening is a comprehensive...
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"Le filtrage est un processus qui aide les gens à trouver des postes bénévoles, tout en améliorant la qualité et la sécurité des programmes et des services offerts dans les collectivités...
Les 10 étapes du filtrage : un processus continu
Les pratiques de filtrage s’amorcent dès que l'...
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Outlines details on the following topics, essential for volunteer and HR risk management policies:
What are vulnerable sector checks?
What sources of information are used in a vulnerable sector check?
Who conducts a vulnerable sector check?
Who decides who needs a vulnerable sector...
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Ce guide décrit les réponses essentielles aux questions de filtrage pour RH et les bénévoles:
Qu'est-ce qu'une vérification des antédédents en vue d'un travail auprès de personnes vulnérables?
Quelles sources d'information sont utilisées lors des vérifications des antécédents en vue d'un...
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For Charity Village by Susan Fish
Offers practical advice on how to consider volunteer screening as part of an overall volunteer management risk assessment. Critically examines the circumstances under which screening is necessary or is potentially a hindrance to a volunteer program.
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This document was created by the Volunteer Centre of Guelph/Wellington as a step-bystep guide to the development of a policy and procedure surrounding volunteer screening.
In Step #1, you will think about why your organization should screen prospective volunteers and you will then be able to...
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The Screening Checklist helps to:
1. look at what you have - perform an accurate due diligence review and thorough inventory and analysis of your current screening activities and practices;2. compare against best known practices- assess whether you are engaging in best known practices and alert...
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