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  1. Standard D2 Explained

    Why do HR management policies need to be made accessible to all employees? In order for HR management policies to be implemented effectively, they must be thoroughly understood by all staff. Ideally, the behaviours and actions outlined in your HR ...

  2. Standard B13 Explained

    What are considered fundraising activities? The CRA considers any activity that involves asking for support to be fundraising, unless it satisfies The Substantially All Test. 1 The Substantially All Test: If substantially all (90% or more) of an activity ...

  3. Standard A5 Explained

    The board is responsible for determining and reviewing the compensation package of the organization’s most senior staff person. When reviewing the most senior staff person’s total compensation package once per year, it is important that the board review ...

  4. Standard B6 Explained

    Definition: Statutory Remittances 1 Legally required payments to government (e.g., tax, EI, CPP). What kinds of statutory remittances could my organization be required to pay? Statutory remittances could include tax deductions from staff salaries, ...

  5. Standard B4 Explained

    Definition: Registered Charity Information Return (T3010) 1 The annual information form required by Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) annually by all charities. Why is it important to file the T3010 on time? Filing the T3010 is required by law for all ...

  6. Standard B11 Explained

    What information on compensation is required by CRA in the T3010? The T3010 asks registered charities in Canada to disclose the salary ranges for its 10 highest compensated, permanent full-time employees. Charities are asked to disclose the number of ...

  7. Standard C9 Explained

    Why is it important for all fundraising materials to include an organization’s address or other contact information? Fundraising materials including print or e-mail solicitations must include the organization’s address and / or other contact information ...

  8. Standard C2 Explained

    Why should organizations refrain from selling their donor lists? PIPEDA, the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act, allows for the selling, bartering, or sharing of fundraising or donor lists as long as consent is obtained from all ...

  9. Standard D5 Explained

    Why is it important for all employees to have written job descriptions? A formal job description lists all the activities and competencies required for a position and creates a structure with which to assess individual performance. 1 A comprehensive and ...

  10. Standard E5 Explained

    Why is it essential to establish appropriate screening processes for volunteers? The primary purpose of volunteer screening is to ensure a safe environment for your organization’s clients, staff, and volunteers. 1 Organizations working with vulnerable ...
