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  1. Standard C6 Explained

    Why is it essential that all fundraising activities conducted by or on behalf of charitable or nonprofit organizations: a. be truthful – The Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Donor Bill of Rights states that any donor to a charitable or nonprofit ...

  2. Standard C11 Explained

    Why is it important that anyone seeking or receiving funds on behalf of the organization: a. act with fairness, integrity, and in accordance with all applicable laws – Volunteers, employees, and contracted third parties engaged in fundraising should ...

  3. Standard C7 Explained

    Why is it essential for organizations not to make claims that cannot be upheld or that are misleading? To develop a robust donor base, an organization must represent its activities truthfully. Making claims that cannot be upheld or that are misleading is ...

  4. Standard D1 Explained

    Why is it important to have written HR policies? HR policies detail your organization’s expectations of its staff and ensure that employees are treated ethically and in compliance with all applicable legislation. HR policies also help to formalize your ...

  5. Standard D9 Explained

    Why is it important for organizations to have a work plan or performance objectives? Work plans and/or performance objectives are a key ingredient of any performance management process and can help employees to be more effective in their roles. 1 ...

  6. Standard A19 Explained

    Why is it important that board members of charitable and nonprofit organizations not receive financial compensation for their role as a director? This standard prohibits board members from receiving monetary compensation in return for their service as a ...

  7. Standard A21 Explained

    Why is it important to record board meetings and retain policies? Preparing and retaining proper minutes from board meetings is an essential part of a transparent and accountable governance process and serves to preserve a record of agenda items discussed ...

  8. Partisan political activities- examples

    In the following hypothetical examples, the charity is called Healthy Retirement and was formed to promote the health of seniors in Canada. It has received a lot of media attention on its recently released, well-reasoned position on the hazards for ...

  9. Standard D7 Explained

    Why is it important to give a letter of employment to all individuals who are offered a position? Although many organizations prefer to extend offers of employment in person or over the phone, 1 a formal letter of employment allows an organization to ...

  10. Standard C14 Explained

    Definition: Cause-related marketing 1 Cause-related marketing (sometimes called social marketing) is a venture with a non-charitable partner to promote the sale of items or services on the basis that a portion of the revenues will be directed to a charity ...
