• Standard C2 Explained

    Why should organizations refrain from selling their donor lists? PIPEDA, the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act, allows for the selling, bartering, or sharing of fundraising or donor lists as long as consent is obtained from all individuals prior to the lists changing...

  • Standard B4 Explained

    Definition: Registered Charity Information Return (T3010)1The annual information form required by Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) annually by all charities. Why is it important to file the T3010 on time? Filing the T3010 is required by law for all Canadian charities. The board of directors must make...

  • Standard A8 Explained

    Why is it important to review insurance coverages? Insurance protects your organization’s people and property from injury, loss, or damage incurred in the course of your organization’s operations. This standard seeks to ensure that nonprofit and charitable organizations possess adequate insurance...

  • Standard A24 Explained

    Why does the board need to review its performance? Evaluating its own performance is a way for the board to build capacity and to demonstrate its commitment to ongoing learning and improvement. Although not a requirement for this standard, good practice suggests that time should be allocated during...

  • Standards A26 Explained

    Charities and nonprofits are community trusts and as such should not be seen as “owned” or “operated” by any individual or group of individuals other than the members / community stakeholders who are passionate about the mission of the organization. As such, volunteer board directors should...

  • Standard E9 Explained

    Why is it important to evaluate the impact and contributions of your organization’s volunteers and volunteer program? Evaluating your organization’s volunteer program allows you to measure the impact of volunteers within your organization and to determine whether you are meeting the program’s goals...

  • Standard C3 Explained

    Why must organizations honor donors’ requests to remain anonymous? Donors may have many legitimate reasons for wishing to remain anonymous, and it is essential that nonprofits respect these requests. A study conducted by The Chronicle of Philanthropy found that only 10 months after the recession...

  • Standard B5 Explained

    What is an annual budget and why does the board need to review it regularly? A budget is a financial plan that reflects an organization’s broader strategic and operational plans.1 Essentially, an organization’s budget is a tool to help it accomplish its mission. The annual budget is the board’s...

  • Standard A9 Explained

    What governing documents does my organization need to comply with? The operations of nonprofit and charitable organizations in Canada are governed by documents including:1 The statute under which the organization is incorporated The organization’s letters patent The organization’s bylaws The...

  • Partisan political activities - examples

    In the following hypothetical examples, the charity is called Healthy Retirement and was formed to promote the health of seniors in Canada. It has received a lot of media attention on its recently released, well-reasoned position on the hazards for seniors of using marked crosswalks. It concludes...
